If you want to see my course in detail
How to teach your child to read

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I created the course first in about 1978 and then for each of my children adapted it till I had a format that worked well. Then I tried it out on children of neighbors for free and then I started selling the first volume of it to people around the city.

In about 1985 I started tutoring it in small classes in my own home (the first grads are now 19-21 and doing well in post-secondary) but some parents did not want to drive all the way over to my home twice a week. So with the help of Supervideo Systems in Calgary I also made it into a movie. My own kids act out being letters and I teach the entire course with food and toy props, animation, letter displays, and charts - all on video. Some customers like the video course and it has also been purchased by several institutions.

If you would like more information about the method I can mail you a free brochure.

If you would like to order the videos, just send a cheque or money order to
Bev Jaremko
521-18 A St. NW
Calgary Alberta Canada T2N2H3

If you would like to order the books, you have a choice.

The course was made originally in four levels. There are now are several options however.
The basic alphabet is taught in level one.  $30
The upper case and long sounds of vowels and sh,ch,th combinations are in level two $30
BEST SELLER: Levels one and two in a single bound volume for $45 ($30 US)
There are also third and fourth levels for more advanced entry into reading - ing, tion etc. Cost $30 each
All volumes are the actual workbook. The child writes write in the book and all instructions and reviews are provided.  Parents or other caregivers need only walk the child through, a page or so a day, as the child wishes.

I have also created a review book in one volume, for children ages 10 and up who need a quick review of all basic reading skills. It is called  the Reading Refresher.  Cost $30


The Reading Refresher has been working well for students of English as a second language, new to Canada and able to read but not to read English.   It is also useful for adults who know how to read a little but who need a quick review of all basic skills.

There is also a book teaching reading skills to those with developmental delays.

It is a slower-paced progression with larger font, using only concrete words. It is more thoroughly described at another website. The course is called Anchors and Sails Intense. It is a three volume course, each volume costing $30



The videos of the course cover levels one and two of the basic method.

Level one is three 2-hour tapes .
Level two is four 2-hour tapes.

Many find the videos useful for preschooles, but also for older siblings who are reluctant readers but who like to watch TV, and for immigrants who need to be 'immersed' in English with demonstrations as the tapes can do.


Last I have a course to teach English-speaking children how to read French.

This is the SAME method as Anchors and Sails, but it of course uses French words, hints, poems, songs, memory devices.  The French course is called

Ancres et Voiles

A parent or teacher needs to understand some French to administer the French course but all of the instructions are there and the child writes right in the workbook.

The cost of the 3 volumes of the French course is $30 each

The French course is called Ancres et Voiles

Its website is



FREE brochures are available for any or all of these courses. They explain the method in much greater detail. Simply send your street address for mailing to


Other material in the Anchors and Sails series

I love developing course material where I see a need and you can still get these materials through the writer directly.

Anchors and Sails - reading level one video
(3 two-hour tapes) $60 Canadian $40 US 30 UK pounds

Anchors and Sails - reading level two video
(4 two-hour tapes) $75 Canadian $50 US 38 UK pounds

Anchors and Sails - level s one, two three  or four reading books
$30 Canadian $20 US 15 UK pounds

BEST SELLER! -Anchors and Sails - levels one and two combined
$45 Canadian $30 US  23UK pounds

Anchors and Sails printing book
step-by-step guide to pencil dexterity and
shaping the letters -printing and writing
$30 Canadian $20 US 15 UK pounds

Anchors and Sails Reading Refresher
one-volume review of all levels 1-4 for children
already in school but experiencing reading problems
and needing a quick but thorough review
(for children from about grade 4 up)
$30 Canadian $20 US 15 UK pounds

Anchors and Sails preschool math
first volume of a set I used successively for my
children. For more information about this method
see http://anchorsailsmath.tripod.com
$35 Canadian $23 US 18 UK pounds

Our Little Secret
two hefty volume adult reading course with
the same reading progression but higher vocabulary
level and then with speed reading and word study games
$75 Canadian $50 US 38 UK pounds

There is no Canadian GST on the products sold by the author.

However there is postage.

Postage for Canadian orders under $50 is $9 in Canada.
For orders between $50 and $100 - $12 in Canada
For orders over $100 please phone me for an estimate.

Postage for US orders up to $35 US is $9.00 US
For orders between $35-$70 US is $12 US
For orders over $70 US please phone me for an estimate.

Postage for UK orders up to 20 UK pounds is 5 pounds
For orders costing 20-40 UK pounds is 7 pounds
For orders over 40 UK pounds please e-mail or phone

All cheques should be made payable to
Bev Jaremko
521-18 A St. NW
Calgary Alberta Canada T2N2H3